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Maybe it's the former student in me but I love making a summer reading list and more than that I love sharing it. I've been cultivating this for a few weeks and have managed to put together a fun varied list of books I can't wait to dive in to. I'll keep my descriptions brief so this post would be ridiculous. Lets get started shall we...

1. The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith

This is actually by J.K. Rowling, all I know is it follows a down on his luck PI who believes his supermodel sisters death was mistakenly ruled a homicide. It seemed like a good mystery/thriller which is one of my fav genres, especially for summer reading.

2. Geekerella by Ashley Posten

I know very little about this book other than its cover is really pretty and people are comparing it to Fangirl and that is all I need to know.

3. A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

Clearly a Sherlock retelling and it sounds fun, plus I figure I'm already obsessed with the Sherlock and Elementary series so why not toss this book into the Holmes love.

4. Alex Approximately by Jenn Bennett This was described as being a retelling of You've Got Mail, which admittedly I've never seen, I still want to read the book though because everyone loves a good rom com.

5.. The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli

There are several books on this list that are either retellings of movies/books I love or are similar and this may very well be the one I am most excited about because it's a retelling of Emma/Clueless.

6. To Catch a Killer by Sheryl Scarborough

As I said before, I love a good mystery/thriller and this one seemed particularly interesting. It follows Erin who believes her mother's killer has returned and murdered her Biology teacher.

7. Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham

I wanted to start reading more African American fiction and I came across this book while looking around the library. I don't know much about it except that it goes between two time periods and looks at race, hate crimes, and colorism.

8. Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson

I heard about this book a while ago and I knew I wanted to pick it up. It's a mystery about a girl who was accused of killing an infant and that's really all I've heard.

9. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas I knew I had to read this book the second I heard about it because the topics it covers (race, class, police violence against black people) are so pertinent to today, a time when many of these issues are coming out of the shadows forcing people to see them,

10. Royce Rolls by Margaret Stohl

A reality tv star hates her family and show but ends up having to fight to keep it because they fall apart without it, and then there's an accident. It kinda seems like a more interesting Keeping up with the Kardashians episode.

11. Almost Adulting by Arden Rose

Let me start by saying I have no idea why I want to read this as I am over a decade older than Arden and avoid YouTuber books like the plague. Sorry there is nothing interesting about a 23 year old who made it big on the internet... with that said something about Arden makes me think she may be different and potentially one of the rare few to create something enjoyable. I hope I'm right.

12. Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here by Anna Breslaw

They had me when the compared the main character to Daria, I don't need to know anything more.

13. If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

I read Alex As Well a while back and really enjoyed it so when I read the description for this book I was intrigued. I do hope it ends positively because a lot a trans stories where they try to keep their secret end badly.

14. As I Descended by Robin Tailey

It's Macbeth reimagined in a high school with a lesbian power couple, I simply cannot resist reading this book.

15. One More Thing by BJ Novak

I love Mindy Kaling's books and BJ is her best bud so it stands to reason I might enjoy his book as well.

16. Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy

This book inspired my all time favorite movie of the same name and even though I never read books after I've seen the movie I wanted to check this one out.

17. The Knockoff by Lucy Sykes

It was described as Devil Wears Prada meets All About Eve and I was immediately sold. I love fashion, drama, and crazy backstabbing characters!

18. The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud

A woman who's bored with her life befriends the family that live below her and her life gets crazy... could be fun.

And thats my summer reading list! Anything catch you interest? What's on your list? As always drop a comment and let me know.


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